Radio & Podcasting
Radio & Podcasting Boards are a great way to announce your schedule for the week or month. They can also include weekly topics or subject themes with valuable information used for your teaching series or topic. It's a great way to bring awareness to the community you love and serve. Utilizing this creative way is a sure way to stay connected with your students, clients, followers, and fans.
Use these inspirational announcements to incite your listeners and viewer about your who, what, when, and why.
To listen, hover over over and/or click on the music note on the bottom right of video.

Click on images or use the right and left arrows for automatic slide.

NGM Designs creates your website dream by bringing into reality all those amazing ideas dancing in your head onto a virtual platform. We dream in 3D by first Discovering your idea, we help you Define it, and then we get to work by Developing a masterpiece. We bring your vision to fruition.